1st Bn Royal Fusiliers and Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (London) Branch of the Fusiliers Association

Joint Reunion

27 September, HM Tower of London

  • Next Reunion
  • Friday 6 Dec
  • Jointly with City

The 2023 branch dinner brought together 4 Korean veterans. From left to right: George Rose, Mike Mogridge, Joe Hill and Peter Galloway.


Joe is the oldest of the group at 93.

Korea - 70 years on

The Royal British Legion held a memorial celebration of the 70th anniversary of the signing of the cease fire in Korea on 27th July at Horse Guards Parade.

For full details, click here

A youtube video of the ceremony can be viewed here


On Friday 27 September we had a reunion at the Tower. This was held jointly with City Branch, who kindly hosted the evening. A very good turnout ensured the event was successful and this will be repeated on Friday 6 December where our branch with host with City as our guests.


These joint events became necessary as the attendance numbers for the reunions, particulary our London branch, was becoming too costly for the few members attending.


Whether the two branches merge remains to be discussed at both ours and the City branch AGMs next year.


The Christmas reunion in December is usually popular, so it is hoped we will have a full house for the last reunion of the year.

Joe Garcia

We've heard the very sad news that Joe Garcia passed away on Wednesday 11 September.

Joe was a regular at social gatherings at the Tower and normally the last to leave.

A warm and kind man and a joy to spend time in his company. His many friends at the Tower will miss him.


Joe's funeral is on
Monday 14th October 2024 at 2pm,

Eltham Crematorium,

North Chapel

Crown Woods Way

London SE9 2AZ

A Right Royal Treat

Seventy four Korean veterans were invited to Buckingham Palace for a Champagne reception hosted by the Princess Royal, Princess Anne and Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh.

More details

Our Annual Dinner

The Terry Crowley Memorial Dinner

The Terry Crowley Memorial Dinner, our Annual Branch Dinner, took place on Friday 8th March at HM Tower of London. Our guest speaker was Brigadier Trevor Minter. We were also fortunate to have the late George Hodkinson's daugther Janet and her husband Roy in attendance.

More details here

Photo by Martin Bisiker

Royal Fusiliers Memorial Service June 27th 2023

The London Branch held their annual pilgrimage to Holy Sepulchre, Holborn Viaduct made special as it was to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Cease Fire in Korea.

Click here to read the full story and more photos

On Saturday 17 August we learnt the sad news that Gerry Farmer had passed away.


Gerry, died at the Royal Hospital Chelsea where he'd been an In Pensioner for the past 10 years.


He was a Korean veteran and was badly wounded in June 1953 when the jeep he was driving came under heavy mortar attack and flipped the vehicle over trapping Gerry underneath.

We were sad to hear the passing of WWll veteran John Dudley in 2022.

John, a veteran of Monte Cassino deid on 24th August 2022 aged 97.


More to follow.

Peter Skilton, a Korean vet has sadly passed away.


Peter did his induction and basic training at the Tower of London in 1951 taking part in the Lord Mayor's parade in the same year. He trained as a signalman in Iserlohn Germany before leaving for Korea on Empire Halladale in 1952. Peter returned to England in 1953 where he was discharged. Although he suffered in later life from his experiences in Korea Peter remained proud of his time with the fusiliers, had good memories of friendships that were made and was grateful for the skills that he learnt as a young soldier. Peter maintained a connection with the regiment and was a member of the Royal Fusiliers Association up until 2021.

George Hodkinson DCM

George Hodkinson DCM  died on 11th Jan 2024, aged 90.


George was awarded the DCM for his actions as wireless operator on Op Pimlico during the Korea War while serving with 1 Royal Fusiliers.


"Great fortitude was shown by the wireless operator George Hodkinson, who refused to move off the highest part of the Mound and relayed orders throughout the night, even whilst wounded. He was awarded the D.C.M. after all the officers were wounded or killed and he was effectively in command."


George was at the 70th anniversary of the Korean War ceasefire last June at Holy Sepulchre, seen below seated far right.



Welcome to our website and hope that you find it interesting and informative. Although this Association was originally started for ex 1st Bn servicemen (hence the White Hackle), we warmly welcome both serving and former members of RRF to our wonderful Association room at HM Tower of London.


If you are still not a member then this is your chance to find old friends and to make new ones.


The Association has five reunions a year, all at the Tower of London, along with a special reunion for Korean veterans.


A special Vintage lunch (over 80's) is also held in September.

Gerry Farmer


1st Bn Royal Fusiliers and Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (London) Branch of the Fusiliers Association


Ray O'Brien

5 Ashurst Drive, Worth, Crawley,

West Sussex RH10 7FS

Tel: 07988 833944

Email: rayobn1@gmail.com



Colonel M J Dudding OBE TD DL



Lieutenant Colonel K W Kiddie


George Rose

36 Maryfield Close, Bexley,
Kent DA5 2HY

Tel: 01322 550285


The White Hackle editor

Rob Crowley

2 Keswick Road,
West Wickham, Kent BR4 9AT

Tel: 07702 008446





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